Regarding the Ross booklet, and at the risk of repeating myself:

Rule #1 in Business is "for-profit companies exist to make a profit." ABM
companies don't have "ulterior" motives - they have profit motives, and for a
very good reason. The abm companies exist to sell ABM, period. It is illegal
for a for-profit company to deliberately take any action that would reduce
their sales.  Producing a "BF" booklet or sponsoring a conference must, by
definition, increase their corporate bottom line - or the company officers
could be sued or fired for deliberately breeching their fiduciary
responsibility to make money for the stockholders.

To expect an abm company to make a really good BF booklet would be just as
silly as expecting Ford Motor Company to make a really good booklet about
Toyotas. Not a chance, folks.   They often do some things to try and
establish "innocence by association,"  however.  Don't be fooled - there
ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

Find sources of BF materials that are produced by those whose corporate goals
do not compete with direct breastfeeding. Personally, I would recommend
materials from any or all of these sources: (not listed in any particular
order): La Leche League, ICEA, NMAA, Childbirth Graphics/WRS Group, Health
Education Associates, Lactation Associates, BestStart, UNICEF, WHO, etc.

LInda Smith, wearing my brand-new "Power of Love" shirt today (thanks, MILC
affiliate!) Three days to go. Can I count long-sleeved shirts or sweatshirts
as different shirts, even if the design is a repeat from a shortsleeved
shirt?  Dayton, OH