Sara Reuning, you have posted a good question, and one that can be discussed
only in financial/political terms.  It's tempting to look at the quality of
the booklet only, and to further educate your friend on how to evaluate BF
materials would be worthwhile anyway. I'll use Ross in this example, but the
principle applies to all manufactured products and literature.

Your friend probably doesn't give away her professional services for free, or
at least not very often. "Free" materials are not free, ever. Someone paid
the writer, graphic artist, print shop, engineer, etc. to develop these
materials, and the costs must be recovered. From where/who does Ross plan to
recover the costs of the booklet? Not from breastfeeding women whose own milk
competes with Ross products for market share (as described in Ross sales
training programs). The answer is from people who buy Ross formulas: (1) Moms
who can't, won't, shouldn't, and just plain don't breastfeed. (2) From
taxpayers (you and me) whose taxes buy the formula for the WIC program. (3)
From those running homeless shelters, food banks, and other hunger programs.
 Ross recently raised prices for their products - possibly to cover the cost
of this and other booklets.  Using a "free" booklet from Ross means
increasing the financial burden on bottlefeeding mothers, taxpayers, and
those who financially support hunger agencies. Is this what is desired?

The cold, hard fact is that Ross and other ABM companies produce
"breastfeeding materials" for one purpose only - to increase sales of their
formula.  Any other purpose would be illegal and stupid.  It's a matter of

Please encourage your friend to "vote with her wallet" and purchase decent
materials from sources without conflict of interest. For example, buying
pamphlets from LLL or ICEA will channel the money to organizations and people
who  really do support BF.

Linda Smith, wearing my Lact-Ed logo shirt on this last day of August, World
Breastfeeding Month. For the record, I BOUGHT every shirt because I believe
in supporting people who support breastfeeding. Private practice, Dayton OH.