Dear Ruthy,

As a childbirth educator and doula living in Florida who has more than once
too often reached the end of her rope trying to repair the damage done by
pediatricians who are ignorant or uncaring about the potential damage even
one bottle of formula can represent to some breastfeeding relationships, I
vote for YES! pass out that ALL of those Florida
docs!.....those who are baby-friendly of course have the least potential
for harm, but they then need to see this info the for the
others, one can be optimistic that someday..........

One of my recurring fantasies is to figure out how to take some of these
practitioners and tie them to a comfortable chair somewhere and make them
watch time-elapsed movies of infants nursing and then growing into healthy
children - over and over again, until they finally cry out (after the
Cowardly Lion in the Wizard of Oz) "I DO BELIEVE!  I DO BELIEVE!  I DO

Sue LaLeike
Lehigh Acres, FL  (who once was quoted in the newspaper as saying "I
consider it totally unethical for anyone to come between a baby and the
breastmilk that is its birthright.")