In a message dated 96-08-30 00:50:54 EDT, you write:
<< At 10:03 PM 8/29/96 -0400, you wrote:
 >On Thu, 29 Aug 1996, Betty B wrote:
 >> This brings up another question:
 >> If bepuke is honey, pollen is pollen, just what is beeshit?
 >> Betty B
 >Okay Betty....give the guy a break, eh?..;)
 >                          Ian Watson
 >                   [log in to unmask]
> I'm serious. It has to go somewhere, and I am sure that the bees don't have
> an outhouse. What is it called and where is it stored?
Hi there Charles again,
Well what the guy was saying was that honey was made from bee shit and he
wouldn't eat any thing that came out of  a bees ass is my under standing from
what my wife told me i guess someone told him when he was little and he
beleaved them.
What is it called and where is it stored? Bee dooky, crap, shit,dropings or
what ever its still crap as to where it is stored its not the bees fly out of
the hive to take a shit
except for the queen she has her attendents to wipe her ass for her unless
they are confined and can"t get out to do there business.
little joke about the queen part please no more nasty mail i learned my
lesson i won't take things as serious again please forgive the beekeeper in
FL. who didn't get the joke.
BEE END!!!!!!!