On Wed, 28 Aug 1996, Charles Cannon wrote:
> In a message dated 96-08-28 13:57:57 EDT, [log in to unmask] (Joe
> Hemmens) writes:
> << Cecile T. Kohrs recently wrote:
>  > Hi.
>  >
>  > I am a honey lover, and I have been having great debates with
>  > friends about how bees make wax, and when beeswax candles were first
>  > made.
>  >
>  > And honey...isn't it bee spit?
>  >
>  > I hope it isn't too trivial to ask, I am also interested in more
>  > recipes using honey, and what I'd have to do to modify recipes to
>  > use honey instead of sugar.
>  >
>  > Thanks in advance for your help
> .
>  Then Joe Hemmens answers?
> > Firstly the second question,  of course honey is nasty stuff and
> >might be better described not as 'spit'  but as 'vomit'  because bees
> >regurgitate it from their stomachs.  Have nothing to do with it is my
> >advice.
> Why do you say honey is nasty and your advice is to have nothing to do
> with it and what are you doing subscibed to the BEE-L list if  you are going
> to
> put down honey when someone asked a question about it that likes it.
> My grandfather was a diabetic and the only sweets he was able to have was the
> ones my mother made for him useing honey becouse other kinds of sugurs was
> bad for him so don't go around telling people that honey is nasty and dosn't
> taste
> good just becouse you don't like it!!!!!!!!
> Unhappy Beekeeper in FL.
Dear Charles....
what you read was the result of a strange human ailment....its called...>>
"A Sense of HUMOUR!!!!!
                          Ian Watson
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