Sorry about that, The Page has been updated and now points to
ftp://ftp.kuai.se/pub/beekeeping... :-|
On Fri, 30 Aug 1996 16:06:31 -0500  Conrad Sigona wrote:
>>> Does any one know of any multimedia software about bees and beekeepeing?
>>If you look at http://members.tripod.com/~DARGUK/sites.htm
>>you will find a link to download some beekeeping shareware designed
>>to run on a PC with a mouse.  I have seen it briefly and thought that
>>it was extremely good.  It won't teach the informed beekeeper much,
>>but for non beekeepers and children it is very suitable and easy to
>The link is broken. It points to fto.kuai.se instead of ftp.kuai.se.
>Anyone interested in this program should type the site address in by
>hand (ftp://ftp.kuai.se/pub/beekeeping) and download the file honeybee.zip.
>Conrad Sigona
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