I am a newbie to honeybees, I have one hive so far. Please forgive me for
such a dumb question.
My question is this: I went out to the hive today to watch for a while and
I noticed that there where some very large looking bees coming and going.
They where a lot darker in color than the workers and about 4 or 5
millimeters longer and thicker, they also made a lot more noise when they
flew. These guys where coming and going without any trouble. I know that
they wheren't those black and white hornets, I have learned to tell the
differance in them. I also know that there are some drones in the hive
doing something to help out, but I thought they stayed indoors except when
it was time to mate with the Queen. I have never seen these larger bees
coming and going before. Could they be wild bees getting some free honey? I
live in Arkansas in the middle of the Ozark Mountains.
Thanks all,