I would also like information about the estrogen creme.  I had a mom
call this morning who is nursing a 13 month old.  She has been
experiencing burning on intercourse and doctor said her vaginal lining
was thin, red and inflamed.  He told her it was as thin as a
post-menopausal woman's and prescribed the estrogen.  She felt that if
estrogen levels were naturally low during lactation, that this was not a
condition that needed treatment and her burning must be due to other
causes.  (She has never had a return of her menstrual cycle until after
weaning with her older children.)  She had already tried KY jelly for
lubrication with no relief of the burning. By the way, this doctor was
not at all concerned with the sex of the nursing infant, and felt the
vaginal creme was safe to use.  Any comments?
Kris Rogers, IBCLC
Crystal Lake, IL