>Hello all..:)
>I also have a question about raising a queen..I have a buchfast
>colony..and I made up a five frame nuc.  I checked carefully to make sure
>the queen didnt come with it....Now i have just checked it after about 8-9
>days..and there are at least 6 queen cups...i see the curled up larva
>covered with royal jelly....Success!!!!
>I also chose frames with lots of sealed brood and also lots of sealed
>Drone brood..so to raise the potential for  the queen mating with a pure
>buckfast drone...
That way she will mate with her own brother, not a good thing at all!! Her
pattern will become very checkerboard and inefficient. The drone brood from
this hive should be destroyed, not encouraged. Better still prevent drones
from this hive flying while she goes out to mate.
>Now..since this is my first time..i am kind of feeling my way in the
>dark..i have read The Hive and The Honey Bee...and the Encyclopedia of
>Beekeeping..but i need some practical help with finding out if i will end
>up with a mated queen in the end..Any help would be greatly appreciated
Everything else should be fine as long as your bees read the same books,
they will know what you are trying to do :-).
   * David Eyre          9 Progress Drive, Unit 2,  *
   * The Beeworks,    Orillia, Ontario, L3V 6H1. *
   * [log in to unmask]      705-326-7171 *
   * http://www.muskoka.net/~beeworks           *
   *  Agents for: E H Thorne &  B J Sherriff UK. *