On Wed, 7 Aug 1996, Vince Coppola wrote:
> On Tue, 6 Aug 1996, Ian Watson wrote:
> > Hello all..:)
> >
> > I also have a question about raising a queen..I have a buchfast
> > colony..and I made up a five frame nuc.  I checked carefully to make sure
> > the queen didnt come with it....Now i have just checked it after about 8-9
> > days..and there are at least 6 queen cups...i see the curled up larva
> > covered with royal jelly....Success!!!!
>         Success ? Perhaps. What you have are emergency cells. Doolittle
> told us 100 years ago that these produce inferior queens.
Umm...How do you know they are emergency cells?....what do they look
like?..how are they different from the "right" kind of queen cells?
                          Ian Watson
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