Hi, I'm new to Lactnet.  My name is Lisa Updike.  I have to breastfed kids -
7 years and 2 years and I'm a LLLL and childbirth educator who just sat for
the exam last week.  I wanted to comment on the recent posts about mentoring
being a good way to prepare for the lactation field.  I heartily agree and I
have made an effort to network with as many people as possible who are
related to the BF field for the last few years.   HOwever, I came across
quite a hurdle recently when I tried to "shadow" an LC at a local hospital.
 I had spoken to this LC many times and had been invited to see her at work
before and was very excited to finally have the time and opportunity.  When I
arrived at the hospital Though I was told by the LC that my "shadowing" her
was "against hospital policy".  This was news to me since others had done
this very thing recently and there was no problem.  Apparently a person (not
a Dr.) in a supervisory role had told her that only "hospital personnel" were
allowed in patient rooms and that I was a risk to the patients because I had
not been tested for TB !?

As a LLLL I felt pretty good about my people helping skills and my general BF
knowledge.  My real lack is clinical experience within the hospital setting.
 I can probably hook up with another LC at another (further away) hospital,
but this kind of roadblock set out for non-RN candidates is a serious hurdle.

Sorry my first post was so long :)

Looking forward to being (hopefully) an IBCLC soon !