Hi!  I have been interestingly following the posts on Nipple confusion so I
thought I would add my 2cents.  I believe it exists but not every baby who
gets a bottle becomes confused.  Working in the SCN we have many baby's of
C/sections who are separated form mom and given bottles until mom can come to
the unit and feed the baby and also at night many moms choose to sleep and
not come to the unit for feeds at night.  Also when moms are discharged they
have no place to stay at night,
the babies are given bottles.  Most babies do fine at breast and go home
exclusively breastfeeding.  Some end up being supplemented after nursing
before their milk comes in because after getting used to 3oz of formula every
three hours, colostrum doesn't fill them up, Baby cries after nursing well,
mom gets upset, nurse offers them bottle and they usually accept.  Anyway,
many of these babies do not need/use supplement once the milk comes in and I
strongly encourage mom and the nurses to stop using it.  The babies that have
trouble latching usually do worse at breast after being given bottles.  To
get off my tangent, I believe it exists though not in every baby.  The
problem is we don't know which babies will be affected and it is not fun when
we find out. Just MHO
Caren Goldstein RNC IBCLC