Thank you for all of your thoughts and wonderful ideas, updates follow:

The 15 y.o.,  I posted about  with the sub areolar abcess is doing better.
  She has completed a course of antibiotics and the  affected area is now the
size of a dime.  Her parents have developed a wait and see attitude  at this

The mom with her fifth case of mastitis is no longer in pain .  Despite her
 doctors recommendations she is not weaning at this point.   Upon your
suggestions I mentionned to her to have the baby's nose and throat cultured.
 Additionally, Marie Davis suggested she take the Keflex 6-12-6-12, round the
clock, which she is now doing rather than four times a day. Must hope it
doesn't reoccur!


Elisa Hirsch, RN, IBCLC
Westlake Village, CA