At 05:21 AM 8/4/96 +0000, you wrote:
>Is anybody on this list familiar with hive top feeders. They work best
>for me.
>Regards , Doug Henry.
Hi Doug
I considered hive top feeders and had planed to buy some to try.  The thing
that bothered me about them was that you still had to use a float to keep
bees from drowning.  In the past with division board feeders I have had
problems with floats getting water logged and sinking.  I really hated to
open a hive and fine the surface of the feeder covered with drowned bees.
With the baggie feeder the have to lick up the syrup trough slits cut in the
bag.  I have seen the bees enter the bag when it was virtually empty and
lick the inside.  This only occurs when the bag collapses in a manner which
leaves a wrinkle. Also to use the baggie feeder, you don't have to buy
another feeder.  An empty super works just as well.
Frank Humphrey
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