Michelle Ramsey wants references for frenulum issues.

Frenotomy is the simple clip (incision) that is usually done for tongue-tied
babies - little or no blood, no anesthesia, no sutures, and baby nurses
immediately afterward. Frenectomy is the removal of tissue with anesthesia,
sutures, etc. Many people don't know the difference, and most older
literature does not clarify which is being discussed. Frenectomy IS a bloody
mess, but it's not done unless the tongue is plastered tightly against the
floor of the mouth and extensive reconstruction is necessary. I have
videotaped dozens of babies having a frenotomy done - many don't even cry,
and the results are truly remarkable.

For the most information, write to Alison Hazelbaker (e-mail
[log in to unmask]).

Linda Smith, Dayton OH