I would like to know if anyone out in our "lactnet kingdom" has figured out a
solution to the problem to getting fresh mothers milk to babies while still
using the stored milk the mother has already pumped. When premature babies
are NPO for a time and then starting on feedings of just a few cc's, we end
up with a lot of "extra" milk. Some babies continue to get this frozen milk
 day after day, week after week, while mom continues to pump and freeze. Isnt
there a way to work it out so that the baby continues to get the milk  from
the beginning as well as some fresh milk also..... This is my big project to
work out now..... Please if you have ideas, or have worked it all out please
share it with me. Thanks
Rose in Sunny San Diego with an average of 80% of NICU babies getting
breastmilk and a Neonatalogist who would like to strive for 100% !!!!