Hello Lactnetters!

My partner called this morning and asked me to post this in hopes of finding
more information on the drug CLOMID.
A mom who is nursing a 2-year-old three times a day is pregnant with her
second child.  Her doctor is recommending she take CLOMID for 5 days to
maintain her pregnancy. ( I have not spoken to the mom directly so I have no
other information available at this time.) I read Dr. Hale's fifth edition of
"Medications and Mothers' Milk" page101 on CLOMIPHENE, and looked through
Ruth Lawrence's book also. There was no information on levels in breastmilk,
and I found no information on CLOMID's possible effects on the nursing
2-year-old.  Does any of this drug pass into breastmilk?   Is nursing itself
possibly a problem for this mom?  If you have any information please e-mail
me privately . TIA!!

Karen Forsthoff BA IBCLC  <[log in to unmask]>