With respect to the possibility of using observation hives for
educational purposes, I have found that it is useful to build it
basically out of wood with only one obsevation "window". This stops
moisture build-up in humid climates, which you may or may-not
experience in your part of the world. In our situation there was a
lot of moisture build-up which the bees struggled to rectify because
the hive entrance only consists of a tube. This led to quite a large
infestation of waxmoth (Galleria sp.) which, although detrimental to
the bees, was interesting in itself.
good luck
| I walked in through the open door |
| couldn't believe what I saw       |
| They were all around me           |
| Epeleptics to a banjo melody.     |
| GAVIN JOHNSTON                    |
| [log in to unmask]         |