On Sat, 27 Jul 1996, Richard Chapin wrote:
> >>Does anyone on the BEE-L know how the quest to have formic acid approved for
> >>use in the U.S. doing?
> >I attended a seminar a few weeks ago and the consensus among the scientist
> >attending, was that formic acid would be approved, at least for limited use,
> We were told at our association meeting that EPA was holding up the
> approval of formic acid and would require many months before approval.  I
> wrote to my congressman, he wrote to EPA, & they responded that the
> approved producer (will look up the name after EAS next week, if anyone
> wants it -- think it is Mann Lake) had not yet submitted a proposal.  I
> called the producer, and was told that they had submitted two proposals,
> both rejected (EPA doesn't recognize rejected proposals), and that a third
> proposal was imminent.  When asked if we might look for approval by this
> fall, the answer was: don't count on it.
> Dick Chapin
> Montrose, PA
> Susquehanna Beekeepers' Assn.
If you don't mind using Formic Acid prior to your governments approval, i
would suggest that any of you who live close to Canada, find some way of
buying it here and then take it back....It is a valuable treatment...and i
dont understand what the delay is.....Formic acid is in Honey
anyways....and formic ants are full of it...maybe Big Brother should ban
those things too...
Just my 2 cents worth...2.6 Canadian..<grin>
                          Ian Watson
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