In a message dated 96-07-22 00:06 Betty writes:

<<  In "Pregnancy, Children, and the Vegan
 Diet," Michael Klaper, MD says in big bold type: "Never let your baby
 nurse from the breast or bottle while lying flat on his/her back." He
 explains that: "The nasal cavity and the mouth both share a common
 passage at the back of the throat. When the baby is lying on its back,
 and fluids are swallowed, the liquid can be forced up into the back of
 the nasal cavity...Such a supine position will permit the back of the
 nose, including the openings into the canals leading to the middle ear,
 to fill with milk, fruit juice, or other liquid. This subtle, but
 important mechachism is one of the greatest sources of recurring middle
 ear infections and chronic nasal discharges and allergies in children." >>

While I have read this many times, it's also my understanding that the
applicability of that to a breastfed baby is limited.  Breastmilk is both an
antiviral and antibacterial substance and as such, it would seem that it's
presence would serve as a prophylactic, not as a cause of infection.
 Furthermore, we've had posts about using brmilk in pink eye--as well as in
other orifices--and it seems to me that sometimes it's "prescribed" as ear


Nancy Williams