Nina's question:
>I know this is a stupid question and I really already know the answer, but I
>have a terrific second time client, pregnant with her second, still nursing
>her 2 1/2 year old. Her doctor told her now that she is pregnant she needed
>to stop nursing. There is not past problem with premature labor, no history
>of miscarriage, nothing! Just a beautiful African American woman
>breastfeeding her child and totally pumped by it, she doesn't want to stop.

Has this physician told her she cannot have sex and not have orgasms?  How
often does she bfd this 2 1/2 yr old?  Three times a day?  For how many
minutes?  How often does she have sex?   There cerainly is a lot of oxytocin
roaming around in her bloodstream then and her uterus would certainly be
contracting.  If he hasn't restricted sex then a discussion about the
parallels might be enough to forego getting references.

I think this is a situation that Edward Newton, MD spoke about in the forward
of Breastfeeding: Biocultural Perspectives.  This woman's physician, who is
accustomed to givng medical advise, is showing his ignorance about bfg but
not hesitating to give his opinion.

Why doesn't this woman ask him to show her his references.  Is her nutrition
adequate?  Does she get plenty of calcium, etc.  Why the restriction?

>She asked me if I could  assure her that she would not miscarry if she
>continued breastfeeding. ( this mom is 41). I of course said nothing in life
>is certain and I could not promise this.

Yes, that's it.  Nothing is certain; nothing can be promised.
> Anyway, this woman needs FACTS,ARTICLES to give her doctor and she needs
them quick.

Just MHO

Mardrey Swenson