On plastic foundation/frames:
Count me as one of those who has had good success with plastic
My observation has been that if the nectar flow is good, the bees will draw
anything.  If the nectar flow is not good, everything will be ignored.
Pluses for plastic:
Easy to install (no installation in the case of all plastic frames)
Tolerant of abuse.  Can be installed in frames on a winter day if you like.
Bees won't chew holes in undrawn foundation
No extracter "blowouts"
If the comb is eaten by wax moths, just put the sheet back in the hive during
the next honeflow for re-use
Plastic foundation costs a bit more
No good for comb honey production
IMHO, except for comb honey production, plastic foundation is so superior to
everything else that it makes other types of foundation obsolete.
W. G. Miller
Gaithersburg, MD