SP>From: STEVE PHILLIPS <[log in to unmask]>
  >Date:         Thu, 18 Jul 1996 13:33:40 -0500
  >Subject:      Help! I'm being Spamed
SP>This is slightly off topic, and I apologize.  I've recently started receivin
  >Spam email concerning investment opportunities that I am not interested
  >in from someone with the address of [log in to unmask]  I don't
  >know how they got my email address.  Is it possible they got it from this
  >list?  Is anyone else getting mail from them?
SP>I have followed their instructions to be removed from their mailings, but
  >they keep coming.  Does anyone have any suggestions how to stop it?
I am also getting this un-requested mail, but have not tried to stop it
figuring they would go broke before I did. But for sure they should be
put on notice that this kind of activity is not allowed and should not
be tolerated, or some such bull. Could be they have read how much honey
has gone up in value and figure we all have large amounts of money to
 ~ QMPro 1.53 ~ ... To sway its silent chimes, else must the bee,