Hello all!!
        A quick question:  My county bee inspector checked my
hives this past weekend and advised me to requeen my failing
Yugo hive, as it is very weak, especially compared to my
Buckfast hive.  When would be the best time to requeen?  Now,
so she can build up the colony for overwintering, or early
fall, to take advantage of the fall flow??  This hive isn't
doing me much good right now anyways, so I'd definitely
appreciate some advice!!!
Kevin Palm
Kevin R. Palm                     <*> Beekeeper (2 hives, 2nd year)
Grafton, Ohio  USA                <*> RED DWARF/Babylon 5/NYPD Blue/ER/Pooh fa
(25 miles SW of Cleveland)        <*> "The future isn't what it used to be..."
[log in to unmask] <*> Member IECC/IECG/NOST/WTECC