Hi All,
Joya mentioned that she has seen an increase in moms pumping and
bottlefeeding EBM.  The moms are using the new Medela Pump In Style.

First, it was my understanding that this pump was designed for working moms,
not to be used for EVERY pumping.  I am not sure that this pump would keep up
a milk supply needed for exclusive EBM feeds.  I would think that, in time,
the moms milk supply would drop and supplements would be needed.

Second, I agree that it is horrifying to think that these moms are missing
out of the real issue, BREASTfeeding.  These moms should be gently encouraged
to BF as often as possible, and told that only pumping will NOT keep up their
milk supply forever.  In fact I have seen moms who pump exclusively (NO
breastfeeding) have a significant drop in their supply as early as 2 months.
 The moms who are committed to giving their babies as much breastmilk as
possible do what ever they can to increase their supply.  The moms who are
not really committed have no real problem with the loss of a full supply and
give EBM as long as there is some left.  Pretty sad, but that is the way
things go sometimes.
