Hello!  Perhaps this topic has been discussed already? I'm hoping for some
insight here.
I have received a number of calls from different mom's who's babies are
 consistently *fussy*.  The common denomimator here is that they all see this
one ped in town.  He suggests that their babies are lactose intolerant and
they should be given a drop of lactaid before each nursing to help with the
fussiness.  The mom who most recently called said the doc suggested a 3 day
trial of these drops and then they'll talk about what to do.  Apparently, he
told her that if baby was on a soy abm this wouldn't be an issue.  When I
suggested a consultation to the mom, she was reluctant as she believed the
*problem* was her milk. ugh!  And I'm saying to myself what is going on
here??? Have you heard of this????
Your thoughts would be apperciated.  Thanks!

Elisa Hirsch, RN
Westlake VIllage, CA ( in the mid 90's, dry, hot, & sunny)