I have been asked to post this inquiry by a non-list member.  I
apologize in advance for the crossposting.  Please respond directly
to the requestor Robert Sonderman whose e-mail address is
Bob_Sonderman@ NPS.GOV
The Council for Maryland Archeology is soliciting information
concerning if, and how other states are charging for the curation
of archeological collections. Particular questions include but are
not limited to:
1:        Does your state or other collection repository
          charge to accept archeological collections?
2:        If the repository charges what is the fee structure?
3:        How are the fees established and collected?
4:        How is a collection determined to be liable for the fee?
5:        How has charging for collections effected receipt of
6:        How has charging for collections effected techniques used
          in the field?
     Please respond directly to Bob_Sonderman@ NPS.GOV
If there is a sufficient interest in the question, the results of
this survey will be posted back to the list.
          Silas D. Hurry
          Historic St. Mary's City