My baby is a little like this.  Sometimes he will latch on from the cradle
hold, but most of the time I have to lay him across my lap, with his head
resting on the arm rest of my recliner, then lean over him.  He does not seem
to like being restricted.   He is not always like this, and is much, much
worse when he is tired.   There have been many times when he has cried
himself to sleep, because he just won't latch on.   When I am out in public,
I have to use the sling--he will often resist latching on, but the sling
keeps him in the vicinity, while providing some privacy, so he will
eventually latch on.

This baby had an easy, undrugged home birth, has not had any bottles or
pacifiers, and I am with him all the time (he sleeps beside me).  He *has*
had a long-term case of thrush, which began at 6 weeks and was just resolved
last week (he is now 4 months).   I am not sure yet if curing the thrush has
helped--I think he may be a little better, but it is hard to be objective.

Incidentally, other than this weirdness about nursing, this baby is very
happy and sweet and growing well (gained 8 ounces a week for the first
several months).

Susan Smylie, LLLL