My mama taught me there are three topics ladies and gentlemen don't discuss
in polite company--sex, politics, and religion.   Thankfully, nobody has
chosen to post personal opinions about other peoples' procreative practices
here on the list, but we've just had a serving of politics, with disastrous
results.  Now religion has been introduced, and it looks capable of being
stirred up into the same simmering, unplatable stew.

I don't want Lactnet to become just a cookbook of recipes for fixing
breastfeeding problems.  I enjoy new perspectives, stimulating philosophical
discussions, and spirited differences of opinion.  However, it's possible to
disagree using intelligence, facts (please check the definition of this word
in your dictionary), grace, wit, humor, and a number of other tools that
don't aim primarily to insult or ridicule.  Certainly no one should post
anything they aren't prepared to defend, but if articulate, thoughtful people
stop posting because of an understandable distaste for personal attack and
invective, the list will lose much of its interest and its value.  Please
consider this yet another plea for civil discourse and basic good manners
among our members.  None of us should have to lose sleep over posting to

Judy Dunlap, RNC, BA, IBCLC