James Peterson wrote:
> Hi Every one:
> Stainless Steel is corrosion resistant because of  the
> Chrome content in it's formulation.  Type 316  has about 16.5 %
> Chrome, 12 %  Nickle, 2.5 % Molybdenum, 2% Manganese, 1 % Silicon,
> 0.03 % Carbon in an Iron solution.  A steel cannot qualify for the
> stainless prefix untill it  has at least 10.5% chromium.
> The Chrome migrates to the surface during processing and forms an
> oxide that is extremly corrision ressistant.
> This is the same reason the bumpers on cars stay the way they do and
> why I wished I had the money to buy a stainless extractor.
> James Peterson Ph. D.
> Chemistry Teacher
I am not familiar with 316 stainless steel but I do not believe it
is food grade.  304 stainless is considered food grade stainless and
most extracting equipment and storage tanks are of this type.
Vic Kroenke