Thank you, Christoph ... I always hope that nature will look after itself
(as you say, the bees have been doing it for tens of millions of years!)
and it is reassuring to hear from others that probably everything is
alright. They certainly *look* fine, so far. I'll keep in touch.
[log in to unmask]
> From: [log in to unmask]
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: New hive and some questions
> Date: Wednesday, June 26, 1996 7:33 AM
> <<
>  >>
> hi from germany,
> just don`t worry too much and don`t disturb them too much, just let them
> it, they will be fine (its nature)
> if you loose your queen for some reason whatsoever, and if there are
> larves (day old ones) they will build up a new queen out of it. Just
> sure there is enough of pollen and honey, thats the most impotant thing.
> Luck!
> Christoph Schaper, Bielefeld , Germany
> mail: [log in to unmask]
> It would be nice to hear from you if everything is ok! Good luck!