I am resending this post.  It appears in the Archives but it never appeared
on my digests of June 16 or 17.  I apologize if it was on your digest.

>Four-week old: very irritable, excessive gas, sweaty, frequent,recently
smelly stool, nurses with "urgency", sometimes comes off and on with frantic
response, has anxious look on his face. I also feel that his eyes are more
protruding than normal, but it could be that he was crying hard the entire time.
>Trying elimination diet.  One day was improved but next day worse than
ever. Mother has history of allergies and consistent gas problems and
hypothoroidism. She took Synthroid throughout pregnancy and is continuing.
>My references on Synthroid are inconsistent.  Anything new with this drug?
>What about beef in a highly dairy-sensitive infant? Kathy A. alluded to
beef in a post on dairy.  My daughter has a reaction to beef, though milder
than milk products.
>Send help if you can.
>Pat Gima, IBCLC