> Hoorah!
> The software program "The HoneyBee" is finished!
Well I've downloaded it and I'm pretty keen to take a look.
Only one thing has stopped me, and I hope I'm not being rude or
ungrateful here, but has anyone run a few good virus checkers on it
I am generally pretty reluctant to run anything that doesn't come
from a major site (even they occasionally let a bug thru) , so I'm
hoping some of the keeners in the group have sniffed this over and
can give it a clean bill of health.
W. Allen Dick, Beekeeper                                         VE6CFK
RR#1, Swalwell, Alberta  Canada T0M 1Y0
Internet:[log in to unmask] & [log in to unmask]
Honey. Bees, & Art <http://www.internode.net/~allend/>