The software program "The HoneyBee" is finished!
For those of you new to the list:
"The HoneyBee"
An Educational Program About HoneyBees, Their Role In Nature, & Their Value
To All Of Us Human Beings. Superbly illustrated with close-up photos in vivid
colors, graciously contributed by P-O Gustafsson {Fellow BEE-Ler from
Sweden}. The program contains some true (humurous) stories contributed by
some BEE-Lers and also contains some extracts from the discussion on BEE-L
about favorite sources of honey.
This program is designed to be an educational Public Relations effort on
behalf of our friends the HoneyBees - an effort to sway people away from "My
god it's a bee - stomp, squash, spray it right now!!" and an attempt to
interest man, woman, or child to become a BeeKeeper. Suitable for adults
and/or children of any age with a couple of features that should catch kid's
In all modesty, I think that you will like it. The program takes up about
1.3mb on your hard disk. Requires SVGA. Runs in Dos or Windows (see the
program's Readme.exe file).
I want to say that while the idea for the program was an original one on my
part, it made the transition to reality when I came across P-O's great
photographs! I also very much appreciate the contributions from fellow
BEE-Lers. Without all of you it never would have 'bee' born!
I believe that most of the facts are correct. Please remember that this
program is designed for the general public!
Please feel free to send me any comments you may have - especially any good
ideas that you may have for an updated version that I may do in the
Fall/Winter. I would like to do a future multimedia version with sound, if I
could find  a good source willing to contribute.You can even pitch a few
brickbats if it helps your psyche out. Please do not throw them too hard as
my head is getting softer in retirement!
If you like the program, upload it to your local BBS's, give a copy to your
local school system, or to whomever!
The program is Freeware. It is currently uploaded to America Online ( Go to
"Quickfind" and type in Honeybee.zip to find it-it is in the Kid's Apps
Section ). It is also available as a download from P-O Gustfsson's Web Site -
Al Needham
Hobbyist BeeKeeper
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