Just yesterday, I asked for advice on splitting my colony that had several
queen cells. Well, I got some great advice from you all, was watching my new
little nuc improve with workers heading to and fro and my original colony
still looking prosperous. This afternoon., the original colony took to the
skies. Yep, I have ANOTHER swarm high in a fir tree.Meanwhile, the outside
of their hive box is coated with bees with their rears in the air and
fanning furiously. What am I doing wrong? Last season I lost my first colony
to a late season swarm. I started with a fresh nuc this spring that was
treated for mites before I picked it up. I've done everything I have read,
heard and/or can think of to keep these gals contented, and yet I've got
another buzzing mob in my tree. I'm about ready to can this here hobby and
admire those who find success at it. Help!