>      I opened one of my hives today, and lo and behold, the ENTIRE
>      top of the inner cover was white with ANT eggs, + or - about a
>      ZILLION ants. This particular hive outer and inner cover was
>      aquired as quite old second hand equipment. There were
>      negligible amounts of ants in the hive itself. The bees are
>      healthy and doing great. Can anyone tell me why the bees
>      haven't evicted the ants?
well, the bees may not have access to the ants.  The cracks ants go
through may be too small.
But, take a good look before you kill indiscriminately.
Maybe your ants aren't of the types that bother the bees.  Maybe they
are harmless.  Maybe they are just there for the heat and to
scavenge whatever the bees don't need (dead bees, larvae,
granulation that is thrown out), and to take advantage of the heat.
5% (max) borax is the best recommendation I've heard, but others say
But maybe you have some new pets?
W. Allen Dick, Beekeeper                                         VE6CFK
RR#1, Swalwell, Alberta  Canada T0M 1Y0
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Honey. Bees, & Art <http://www.internode.net/~allend/>