Hello Fellow Bee-L'ers
     I feel REALLY stupid right about now, but here goes:
     I opened one of my hives today, and lo and behold, the ENTIRE top of
     the inner cover was white with ANT eggs, + or - about a ZILLION ants.
     This particular hive outer and inner cover was aquired as quite old
     second hand equipment. There were negligible amounts of ants in the
     hive itself. The bees are healthy and doing great. Can anyone tell me
     why the bees haven't evicted the ants?
     It seems with all those great previous Bee-L messages ad nauseum about
     ants, I didn't pay attention, 'cause I didn't have the problem. Well,
     I've learned my lesson. Can anyone tell me what the ratio was again of
     borax to 1:1 sugar syrup? (please email me this directly, I don't want
     to clutter the list more than I already have.)
     Thanks to all in advance, and keep the faith.
     Mike Beluch
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