I'm so excited that I wanted to share this with my  600+ colleagues - many of
you who offered help and suggestions for this baby.
He had a very high palate, underdeveloped jaw and was diagnosed as IUGR -
Well, we went from cup feeding/syringe feeding (when he swallowed, which was not
often) to small, soft red-preemie nipple feeding to breastfeeding during the
last week.  His facial appearance has changed dramatically and he now has a jaw,
his palate is now down to a more normal position and he breastfeeds 3 times a
day!  We are still  a ways from  feeding himself 100% from the breast, but he
has had only breast milk and the use of an SNS when he goes home will probably
eliminate all bottles ( I still can't get the NICU RN's to do cup-feeding and in
this little guy's case perhaps the bottle nipple is helping instead of hindering
(is that sacrilegious?).  His face  has an "Abe Lincoln" appearance (wide
forehead, drawn-in cheeks, pointy chin), and his body is still woefully small
realtive to his large head.  But seeing this baby at the breast sucking and
swallowing, taking quiet breaks then sucking and swallowing again is beautiful!
How I wish I had a VCR and we were allowed to take pictures to document the
changes in this little one!  Thanks again.
Jeanette Panchula, BSW, LLLL, RN, IBCLC
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