Jo Mihalik (hi Jo!) asked about Flagyl.  From Dr. Hale's "Medications and
Mother's Milk" -

Antibiotic, amebicide.  Do not give during fist trimester of pregnancy, can
be mutagenic and carcinogenic.  Following a 2 gm oral dose, milk levels were
reported to peak at 50-57 mg/L at 2 to 4 hours...milk levels after 24 hours
were approximately 10 mg/L.  Following a dose of 250 mg three times daily,
the average milk level was 6 mg/L.  For treating trichomoniasis, recommend 2
gm single oral dose, and discontinue breastfeeding for 24 hours, then
reinstitute.  AHL = 8.5 hrs.  PB = 10%.  PHL = 25-75 hrs (full term infants).
 AAP Reason for Concern.

Hope this helps.

Cathy Kaiser, LLLL
Franklin, TN
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