FYI: no frenulum is technically called ankyloglossia. Ankylo, from Greek,
means  crooked, bent, or a fusion or growing together of parts. Glossia
refers to the tongue. So ankyloglossia is a fusion of the tongue to the floor
of the mouth. Tongue-tie, or a short and/or tight lingual frenulum that
impairs optimal function of the tongue, is more correctly termed "partial

True ankyloglossia must be corrected by surgically creating a separation
between the tongue and the "floor of the mouth". A baby with this condition
is probably affected in other ways because ankyloglossia usually appears as
part of various syndromes. It is rare but would definitely preclude
breastfeeding until corrected. Then the therapist must consider whatever else
is wrong with the baby.

Alison K. Hazelbaker