For those of you interested in the EAS Master Beekeeper Exam  contact the       
EAS Secretary at the following address:                                         
Loretta Surprenant                                                              
EAS Secretary                                                                   
Box 300A                                                                        
County Home Road                                                                
Essex, NY 12936                                                                 
(518) 963-7593                                                                  
or Dr. John Ambrose, who adminsters the exam at:                                
Dr. John Ambrose                                                                
North Carolina State University                                                 
Box 7626                                                                        
Raleigh, NC 27695-7626                                                          
(919) 515-1660                                                                  
Good luck!                                                                      
David Bernard                                                                   
EAS Master Beekeeper                                                            
Vice President, Maryland State Beekeepers                                       
EAS Director for Maryland                                                       
Damascus, MD                                                                    
Home 301-414-2317                                                               
Work 301-496-3798