I've beeen gunshy to work my bees since last year developing a sting            
allergy. Now I am getting about 3 stings a week with no reaction - so           
that with a BJ Sherriff suit makes me a little more willing.....                
Anyway, today, I have a hive that is possibly about to swarm: the hive is       
quite congested, and at midday, there's about 2" by 12" by 16" of bees          
hanging on the outside off of the cover all over the front face of the          
hive. Is this just normal congestive activity (they've been there for           
about 2 hours) or are they all about to take flight? I looked at them -         
they don't seem extended. I'll be throwing another deep super or two onto       
this hive tonight - but in the meantime, what can/should I do?                  
I have enough empty hives out there that if they do swarm, hopefully            
they'll end up in one of those. But could I simply put an empty box w/          
come in it upto this "swarm"?                                                   
Any immediate replies to my email address would be most appreciated - I         
am not sure if I have turned off the digest feature....                         
Casey Burns