Hi all,
I would like to welcome Kathy D. back. I so enjoy her comments.  Re exposed
I can certainly see both sides of this issue.  Definitely some (lots) of
women are uncomfortable bf in public and many choose not to bf at all for
this reason.  So bf discretely has its place.
But, then again, I often wish we lived in a culture where bare breasts were
the norm.  It would be so much easier.  I would like to see the day when bf
in public is acceptable.  So I encourage moms to do so and tell them that if
more people see it, it will become acceptable faster.  We can't keep hiding
bf away.
Personally, I am experiencing some ambivalence about this, as I am nursing a
21 mo old.  I feel the stares and uneasiness of friends, family, strangers.
 Is it pushing me to become a closet nurser?  Usually I am the defiant, the
rebel.  But the consternation and condemnation of others is so pervasive....

Laurie Wheeler, Rnc, Mn, Ibclc
Violet La