Andrew seems to be doing better, at least the vomiting has stopped (he
couldn't keep anything down but clear liquids for 3 weeks). He is still
anemic with a very low white cell count and a strange differential.  His IgE
is 256 (norm is 50?) The paracyte has been ruled out.
The doctor is now testing for Thalessmia minor. He thinks its type A???  The
ped said that I would have it too and most likely my other 2 kids. All my 15
year old has ever shown is mild anemia.   However,  with all the surgery and
stuff I've had; surely someone would have found it in me by now (I just
turned 40 on Tuesday)
Does anyone know more about this disease? I need to learn.  All I remember is
that it affects people of European extract (I was born in Germany).
Thanks again for all the prayers and thoughts