Hello to all from Dover, Delaware.  I am a new IBCLC with a nutrition
background.  I have worked for the Delaware WIC Program for 8 years as a
WIC Nutritionist and am currently the Breastfeeding Coordinator for the
WIC Program in our state.  I breastfed our first daughter despite being
told "no one had ever done that here" when she was delivered in a small AF
hospital in Texas.  Second preg. was twin girls born prematurely at LAFB
where, 22 years ago, breastfeeding was not allowed in the NICU.  Glad to
see that progress has been made.  We have an active Peer Counselor Program
and a IBCLC manned Helpline for our WIC clients.  Breastfeeding rates have
been rising, not as fast as we would like, but sure and steady.  This is a
cultural change with the population that we work with and cultural changes
are never jet propelled. Looking forward to increased contact with
breastfeeding advocates worldwide.

Does anyone of know of clipart for newsletters etc. with breastfeeding