>2. Has anyone come up with a convenient small dispenser -- sort of like
>the old ant traps?  We will need to make manyl hundreds, so things
>like jars are a little awkward, and breakable.
>A consideration is that these little traps will be dispersed here and
>there where required and may never be picked up again if lost in the
>grass.  Moreover, they may be stepped on, run over by a truck -- or a
>forklift, so they shouldn't shatter into dangerous fragments.
>They should be about an ounce in interior size, environmentally
>friendly (I hate that expression), and be able to easily  have holes made
>that are slightly too small for a bee to enter.   They should be
>able to keep water (rain) from damaging the contents when under a
>hive.  Dixie cups?  Cream containers from restaurants?  I know there
>is something perfect for the job -- but what is it???
This may not go a long way toward evironmentally friendly . . . how
about plastic 35mm film canisters?  They will hold an ounce or two,
holes are easily made, water resistant and won't shatter.  You should
be able to get them from a film developer.
-- John Taylor --
Southeast Missouri
When in danger, or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout!