Hello agiain Bee folks!
        I worked my bees yesterday and found something I have not seen
before.  I use permadent, plastic foundation in my hives.  I added upper
brood chambers about two weeks ago and opened the hives yesterday.  In two
of the hives I found the foundation undrawn in the central upper brood
chamber but the ladies had drawn "wild comb" between the frames of
foundation instead.  They connected it to the undrawn foundation in spots and
left "passages" on the face of the foundation they could walk through.  It was
like sheets of wild comb between the frames that covered about 1/2 the
frame.  Other frames of the BC were being drawn out normally.  The frames
were pushed together so excess space is not the cause.  Has anyone seen this
before?  Why does this happen.  I removed all the freak comb with brood in
it and let them start over again hopeing they would draw out the frames
correctly this time.
Folks. Please don't go off on dogmatic threads regarding the benefits of wax
foundation over plastic.  I have used alot of the plastic, as have other I know,
with great sucsess.  What do you think is going on here?  I would like to
Mason Harris