Aloha Bee -L readers
   Everytime I open my e-mail and see the virus alert
 messages I get excited that maybe some one is
starting a thread about honeybee viruses. I must
 admit being a person that has been wiped out by
a computer virus before that I am glad to see
 the proper  concern about the spread of computer viruses.
         I am also very concerned about the introduction and
 subsequent spread of honeybee viruses. Does anyone
have any new information about these viruses?
Who is doing research on viruses and where ?
Why have the viruses only now been found to
be the problem on bees with mites ? Is there any hope for
bees with mites if they also viruses? What is our USDA
doing to try and find answers to the viruses problem. ?
      One leading bee research person  suggests that the
 viruses may have been introduced  by the ever popular
trade and movement of live bees around the world ?
 Kashmir Bee Virus has been detected in sufficient
amounts to have caused mortality , in extracts of dead
bees  from colonies in Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, and
Canada ,in the absence of mites.
        Where is the USDA with the mission statement
to protect American Agriculture ?Silent ! Why ? I have my ideas ,
and I would like to hear from others about this subject. I have
been given the opportunity talk at the Western Apiculture Society
conference to be held August 1996 in Kona , Hawaii. My assigned
topic is to discuss the problems with transiting of New Zealand
bees through Hawaii . My concern s are many as we in Hawaii
may not have been contaminated with viruses since our state laws
have prohibited the entry of bees or used bee hive equipment into
 Hawaii since the mid 1980's.
          Readers are encouraged to respond and share their fears
and concerns. Hawaii is the most isolated place on earth and the
bio-logical isolation should be protected. This is one of the real
major issues that must be addressed if beekeeping as we have
known in the past is to have a chance.
         Where is the US beekeeping industry at this crucial moment ?
Where are our leaders ? We need everyone to come together
with one strong voice to demand solutions from the USDA
which seems to be unconcerned with the virus issue. New leadership
is needed at the top level of honeybee research in the USDA ,
some one who is unbiased and objective with the primary goal
of protecting and improving the plight of U.S. beekeepers .
     Thanks and reply with confidence that I won't reveal my sources even if
     Walter Patton
Walter & Elisabeth Patton,  27-703 A Ka' ie'ie Rd., Papaikou HI.,96781
    Ph./Fax. 808-964-5401       E-Mail  hihoney@ilhawaii
Beekeeper and Bed  & Breakfast Owner in Hawaii