At 04:39 AM 5/23/96 -0500, you wrote:
>my hives right next to fields belonging to a dairy farm.Usual crop includes
>alfalfa(which bees dont work), corn, or soybeans(both of which ARE worked)
>in addition to the various wildflowers growing in/ around the fields.I
        My region is also dairy farming, exclusively, and I think the reason
        bees don't work alfalfa is because the value of this crop as silage
        after the bloom is much less than if it is cut BEFORE the plant puts
        out blossoms. All farmers that I have asked say they do their cutting
        well before the alfalfa crop is in bloom.
>P.S. While checking my hives, I was struck by the continued gentleness of
>these swarms.They are "Double Hybrids" from York apiaries.Been working
>them since first of April and still have yet to be stung.
>                           ML High
        At the risk of sounding like a nut case...I believe that the more
        you work with your girls and as they become familiar with you as
        'their' you develop that physic connection they will
        become even more gentle..if that's possible.
        You do have to keep your pant legs secured though. If a number of bees
        are knocked on the ground while you do your inspections they just LOVE
        to crawl up your legs! I got cocky last year and went out without my
        pants cuffs tucked. One of my girls got all the way up inside my shorts
        and I got it RIGHT ON THE BUTT!!!!! -:)
        Nice to know someone else out there is enjoying these delightful
Tim Peters, Kirby VT
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KirBee Apiary, Bear Bait Honey
I rather be flying!