Just a note on something I have obseved with Moms of premies when they begin
pumping.  I've noticed that many moms will have swelling after they deliver
(pitocin induced?).  OBs have referred to this as a fluid shift after
delivery. They will pump 10  to 15 minutes and only get drops, but when the
swelling decreases their supply increases.  Has anyone else noticed this?  Is
there research?

Another funny: I was checking on a NICU mom to see how the pumping was going.
 She told me she had "pumped 7 times and didn't get a drop".  I asked her to
call me the next time she pumped (she was still in the hospital) so that I
could observe.  Six hours later, she still hadn't called me, so I went back
and asked her to pump.  She started the pump.  After the cylinder had moved
seven times, she turned off the pump and said "See? I'm not getting
anything!"  A case for staying with the Mom for at least the first pumping
